Friday, 30 August 2013

The Square Peg Syndrome

For many years people have said that I am a square peg in a round hole.  That my giftings and calling did not fit into their view of ministry.  Many times I went to the Lord and questioned him about my "Unique" gifting and how it fits into His plans for a lost and dying world.

I will admit that their were times that I would vacillate between whether I was truly of use to God and whether I was just too broken and messed up for His plans.  I guess when people would try and fit me into a mould that was not to my gift set I would fail and this would only exacerbate my feelings.

Many a time I would try and adopt the skills that others thought were of greater value to them and by doing so deny who I am before the Lord.  However this was in regards to man's interpretation of my gifting and not what my heart was screaming at me.  All I know is that I am weird and that weirdness is unique. 

Well I found my square hole.  Now my spirit and my soul are in union.  I found what I am strong in and I am working that as best I can.  The awesome part is that someone is willing to pay me for my skill set.

I have always know that my mouth could get me into trouble as well as get me out.  I have often been told I have the gift of the gab and I have been working that for all it's worth.  However when you are in an environment that does not like "talkers" then the main reaction is to ignore the person.  Which  usually only makes us talk more.  When I was younger I was very sensitive and self conscious.  My self esteem was linked very closely to what other people thought of me, and when I was ignored it burned me up.

Then one day I went to a good friend who told me the truth. "Dave, your talk too much!  People switch off when you speak.  I guarantee you that if you shut up people will notice you!"  This sounded incredibly counter intuitive.  All my life I had tried to 'GET' people to notice me.  But I took his advise and walked into a class and just sat down.  I resisted every urge in my body to talk.  Even when I had something to say  I kept quite.  Then at the end of the class they ask for final points.  I gave a short 4 word answer and the person next to me jumped out of their chair. He had sat next to me the whole time and didn't know I was there.  It was the fact that I had said nothing that ultimately allowed him to drop his defence at the barrage of comments I usually make and when I did eventually say something it got through.

That is when I went to the Lord and asked Him what was going on.  I knew that I had a ministry in speaking but the Lord was holding me back from leadership.  I questioned Him in prayer and for once the Lord gave me a direct answer. This is what he said to me,

"Dave I am the Lord of the universe, I am omniscient, all knowing and I don't even know what is going to come out of you mouth.  Until your gift is yielded to my will I can't use it."

That began my path of reconstruction. It was a long road for me.  Changing a life time of behaviour took sustained energy.  Of picking myself up when I messed up again, and then pressing on towards the Lord.

Now I am operating in that calling.  I will be honest and say that it is always the Lord.  I guess I agree with Paul when he said;

3 I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.
4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words,
but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power,
 5 so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom,
but on God's power. 1 Corinthians 2: 3- 5

I am also acutely aware that there are times when I try to sound clever and come off sounding stupid.

Therefore I will give Him the glory due His name.  As well as the praise for the work he has placed within my heart.

I pray that you will also seek that which God has for you.

2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good,
 pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2
Don't let people categorise you into obscurity.  Go before the Lord, seek His face and find out what He created you for and the do what he tells you to do. Perhaps you will see the miracle I have seen.
Dave Mc

Friday, 23 August 2013

Restoring the Discarded

In the past several months The Lord has strongly placed the Chapter Ezekiel 37 on my heart. Specifically those who have been left aside and discarded in The Lord. To this end I am working on a full day seminar to minister into this need.  It is truly a sad fact that as a body we have discarded people for no other reason than they did not fit our particular Christian paradigm.  These beloved people of God have been marginalised and rejected as "Prodigals".  As if what has happened was because of a decision they made.

I would hope that we as a body of believers would not be so naïve as to think that everyone must follow Christ the way we do.  Perhaps this stems from the belief that we must stand firm in what e believe and reject that which does not conform to that pattern of belief.



David Mclachlan


I have a dream.

In my dream I see a church with no walls.

A service free of offerings and guilt at our lack.

People who freely use their gifts.

Who worship until their hearts burst and break.

Where the Spirit of the Lord moves when and where He wills.

Each one seeking His face for themselves.


I have a Dream.

That the children of God stand before Him in unity.

Where dogma, and doctrine give way to grace and mercy.

United in the knowledge that His heart yearns for them to come to Him.

Free of every weight of territorialism and pride.

Joyously exalting His name for as long it takes to enter His presence.

Staying until the Lord has communed with them.


I have a dream.

Where all of His children live in dignity.

Each looking to the needs of others rather than their own.

Where humility and respect embrace each chance meeting.

Completing each person He brings across our path.

Honouring the Jesus in each other.

Loving each chance to bless those in need.


I have a dream.

I know this could only be a dream.

No where have I seen this.

Not in the church, and not in the body.

Some understand and serve in humility of grace, but only some.

But this is the way Jesus ministered.

It was his dream, then mine, now I hope it is yours.


Dare to dream!!



I pray the Lord richest blessings on you all.  May His awesome Grace and Mercy restore you to the place He created for you regardless of your history or circumstance.
