Friday, 6 September 2013

How to make your Soul Sing

While I was living in Africa I saw a commercial for fruit juice.  In this particular commercial there was a women running through a fruit market leaping over cases of fruit and running with a huge smile on her face.  The tag line said that if you put the right things in your body then your body sings.  This got me thinking.  At that point in my life my body, or my soul for that matter, very rarely 'Sang'. 


Then I picked up a book by Arthur Miller "Why you can't be what you want to be."  In the book he talks about finding that job you can do all day with no problem.  Doing those things that bring you joy not drag you down in a pit of despair.  This got me thinking that perhaps if you were doing what God, in His infinite wisdom, created you for then your soul might sing.



This started me  a journey to discover that which bring the greatest joy as well as the greatest return.  It was then that I realised that my gift was my mouth.  Since yielding this gift to the Lord I was able to share, at length, the things of God.  I also realised that simply being able to speak was not enough.  I need something to say.  I went before the Lord and ask Him a simply question.  What must I say?


What, if given the opportunity, would I like to do with my gift.  The answer was pretty clear.  I loved building into people.  It is not just motivated from my own understanding of what it is like to be marginalised, but also out of a deep compassion to helps others achieve their purpose in Christ.


So I went and studied and got my Certificate 4 in Training and Assessment.  This gave me the opportunity to spend the entire day doing what I love to do, and that is to talk.  To give of myself in such a way that it bring increase to those I talk to, hopefully.


Now my soul does sing.  I get up each morning and go to work actually looking forward to what the day will bring.  I also realised the other day I had taken no significant time off in nearly a year.  This was a minor miracle.


Let me encourage you to find what God has created you to do.  This will be in area that you are strong in.  Not just what you like doing but what brings the greatest return. John Maxwell speaks of working on your strengths and not your weaknesses.  Marcus Buckingham says the same thing.  The fact remains that at the moment more than half of all people in the workforce do NOT find fulfilment in what they do.  This they find outside of the work environment.

Now it may mean some changes, it may mean letting go of some old habits.  But imagine if you could do what you were created to do.  Not just for the Lord but for your fellow man as well.  Using that gift to build into the lives of others in such a way that you fell fulfilled and encouraged.


Have the courage to search for that unique gift the Lord has given you.  Only you will truly know what that is.  That thing that puts a spring in your step and wind to your sails.  Find that life you long for.


Then your soul will sing too.



Dave Mc

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