There was once a farmer who owned a large plot of land.
Every morning he would get up and look over his land.
Then he would walk out into the field and pick up the plough.
After a deep breath he would begin to drag the plough around the field.
This he did every day, and each night he would stagger into his house exhausted.
One day his neighbour came calling, and saw him at his daily task.
He questioned his fellow farmer as to why he was trying to plough this way.
"It is the only way I know" the farmer replied.
"Surely you haven't been doing this every day?" he asked.
It is the way it has always been done." The farmer added.
The friend was almost beside himself.
With disbelief in his eyes he asked. "Why don't you use a tractor?"
"What is a tractor?" The farmer asked.
"It's a large powerful machine, strong enough for any job" he answered.
"I think I have something like that in the barn." The farmer said.
Together they walked towards the barn.
As the farmer opened the large creaking door his friend gasped.
There stood a huge red tractor.
"It looks like it has never been used?" the friend asked.
"Nope. I don't know how." The farmer replied.
"I've heard stories of people using these things,
and what could be accomplished with one." He said
„But that was a long time ago, and surely we don't need them now."
"There's stuff in the Farmers Almanac about them too,
but I don't understand what it means."
His neighbour stood there staring at this machine.
Finally he turned to his friend and said,
"This machine is for you to use daily. There is no need for
to try and accomplish everything in your own strength."
"Are you sure?" the farmer asked.
"Yes his neighbour said, I have one myself." He replied.
"All you have to do is get in and start it up."
"The farmer climbed up and sat in the seat, and turned the key his friend showed him."
With a deep growl the machine roared into life,
And the farmer edged it out of the barn.
For the next couple of days his friend would come over and show him how to use it.
Finally the day came when the friend did not come over, and he had to operate it himself.
Sometimes the farmer would doubt that the tractor was able to do what was needed.
As each new day brought different challenges the farmer began to grow in confidence.
Soon he was using the tractor all over the farm, it's power sufficient for any task..
It is like that with God.
He is with us always.
But for some reason we try to do it on our own.
Using our frail humanness to achieve what He has called us to do.
The fruit we reap is small and the task exhausting.
But when we stand God we have all His power.
He said that he would send his Spirit to us, and we must not leave us.
Only with His Spirit can we truly achieve what He has called us to.
It is sufficient for any task, and always ready.
All we have to do is get in, switch on, and get going.
Now get in!
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