From Solitude to Solidarity
There are many things in this
world that keep us singled out from the crowd.
We may feel vulnerable and ostracized. Almost as if we are not worthy of
being part of the herd. This phenomenon is perpetuated throughout our
school days when the pecking order was established and not being include or
identified as being “In’ the popular group meant that we were second, or even
third class citizens and not worthy of attention or reinforcing.
Even now when we are older and
wiser to the ways of the world we still fall prey to this mentality. It seems, unfortunately, that even in the church we have continued
this behaviour. Each spiritual group has
it’s own set of prerequisites that determine at what level each person may be considered
'in'. Even in spite of the obvious teachings of Christ and Paul to the
The down side to this is that we
now have a large number of truly lovely people who no longer fit anywhere. The stigma attached to leaving a fellowship
of believers because of a negative situation has meant that the injured are
blamed for their lack of commitment. To the point that we now have people who
have walked away from the Lord all together. This is one of the greatest
travesties in the modern / post modern church.
Once these precious ones have
been expelled from the herd they are treated as pariah’s. Contacting them is seen as backsliding or at
the very least poor judgement. They are
left defenceless and alone. Which then perpetuates the whole cycle again.
But this methodology is a human
construct, God is not part of this. What
is needed is a place where people, no matter who they are, can meet and share
their lives with God and others in a manner that reflects their heavenly value,
not their perceived earthly value. Also one the is representative of their
relationship with our Lord.
You see Jesus died for us all. Not just those who are considered “In”. In
fact he says himself that he came to save sinners (See Luke 19:10). If I read the word of God correctly, that
means all of us. (See Romans 5: 5 - 8). So
in reality the ones who deem themselves as not needing of his grace daily are
actually the ones who have removed themselves from the true spiritual
herd. That is those of us who have been
saved by grace!
We are connected because of our
common need of God’s grace in our lives.
This is actually not a sign of weakness or a lesser stature since Paul
is quite clear in Romans 3 : 22 - 24.
This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who
believe. There is no difference, 23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his
grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."
I gladly admit I have more in
common with the Tax Collector and Publican than I do with the ruling religious
leaders of Jesus times. As should
you. Instead of finding grounds to
exclude people in our spiritual community we should be desperately seeking ways
to include them, within the main tenets of scripture.
I can remember when I was told
that wearing blue jeans was bad. Not
because they were evil but rather that ‘some’ people may identify me as a rebel
or a non conformist. However I do not
see the bible speaking about conformity in the New Testament, only unity. In fact the only references uses conformity
in the negative! (See 1 Corinthians 12: 2).
Unity does not mean commonality, it means different yet connected.
This also extends to the manner
in which we choose to worship our Lord. Do
we adhere to the belief that it can only take place in the manner of our
choosing, or is the Lord mighty enough
to receive the praises and worship of his people in whatever way they are
able. After all it is more dependent on
the condition of the heart than what is coming out of the mouth, is it not.
(see John 4 : 21 - 24, Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman and 1 Samuel 16 : 6
- 7 the choosing of David as the new King)
My desire is creating an online
community is so that people may come and bring glory to the Lord in a way that
has meaning for them, as well as the Lord.
Where they can take those first steps back towards the Lord who desperately
loves them and has never stopped reaching out.
Now I know this may not be
popular, or even ‘seen to be needed’, but these blessed ones are out
there. The disenfranchised, the
rejected, the hurting and spiritually abused.
They are not the ‘prodigals’.
This presupposes the fault for their situation is theirs. We have created this environment where it is
acceptable to cast them out into the darkness with no care for how they will
navigate the mental and spiritual anguish they are feeling.I have set up a Facebook page called “To Trust Again”. It is a place that’s aim is to create a safe environment for those who wish to find their way back to God. Not necessarily back to church. For some it would be like going back into the same mêlée (battleground) that created their current situation, but rather back to the one who loves them so much He held nothing back and gave up His only son so that they may be restored again to Him. What they and the Holy Spirit choose to do after that is up to them.
So if that is you then please know that God has not rejected you. You are still loved and He is willing to take the time it needs to restore you to himself. You are precious to Him. Remember what it says in Luke 15 : 1 - 7
Now the tax collectors and "sinners" were all gathering round to hear
him. 2 But the Pharisees and
the teachers of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners, and eats
with them." 3 Then Jesus
told them this parable: 4
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not
leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he
finds it? 5 And when he finds
it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders
6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbours
together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' 7 I tell you that in the same way
there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
So today if you read this and you
want to know if you have gone too far, you haven't. He loves you, as you are! Whatever happens
after this moment is between you and Him.
His Holy Spirit will guide you and build into you in His time and in His
way. Just trust His heart. He wants the best for you.Shalom
David McLachlan
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